antidote (noun) Antidote. Remedy.
Meaning and uses
antidotes is an essay by Eugene Ionesco published in 1977.
An antidote is a substance or chemical element that can cure a person or an animal poison or disease (which can cause poisoning, a disease …). Most often, the antidote is to neutralize one or more form (s) given (s) of poisoning.
Antidote is a software for correcting grammar and writing assistance in French that combines: * a spell * ten dictionaries, phrasebooks * ten * a prism Review * prism inspection * and many other tools .
Antidote is a new venue for contemporary art, held for the first time in 2005.
Antidote – The Antidote is a craft beer, lager or amber and is produced by Brasserie du Sornin Pouilly-sous-Charlieu and sold under license Desprat wines.
antidote – a drug which is assigned the property to prevent or combat the effects of a poison, a poison, a contagious disease. Remedy what one wants to fight
antidote – antidote.
antidote – that defeats the purpose of a poison.