Définition de abies
femme juive, épouse de Nabal, puis du roi David.
[tab:Synonymes Antonymes]
Synonymes de abies
Pas des Synonymes.
Antonymes de abies
pas d’antonymes.[tab:Citations]
Citations de abies
Articles contenant abies
bouteille (substantif) Une petite bouteille avec une tétine. Sens et usages La bouteille (en latin Biber, «boire») est un ustensile servant à l’alimentation. Elle apparaît…
Le jalousie
This psychosis begins in middle age of life on a background of paranoid character (distrust, pride, hypertrophy of the ego, sensitivity, false judgments,…
Medicament constipation Constipation (from the Latin co-‘with’ stipare ‘make stiff, compact’) is a difficulty to defecate. The stools are usually hard and then a small…
Rhume sang Mucus secretions are different viscous and translucent, produced by various agencies, and among them by various organs or mucous membranes. References The…
Vaccin antirabique Rabies is a serious viral disease affecting mammals, including humans. It is caused by a virus causing encephalitis. Zoonosis fairly common, it affects…
Vaccin de la rage Rabies is a serious viral disease affecting mammals, including humans. It is caused by a virus causing encephalitis. Zoonosis fairly common, it affects…
Vaccin inde Smallpox or smallpox is an infectious viral disease, highly contagious and epidemic, caused by a poxvirus. It has been totally eradicated October 26, 1977…
Vaccin obligatoire en france Vaccination is a method of introducing an external agent (the vaccine) in an organism in order to create a positive immune response against…
Vaccination rage La rage est une maladie virale grave touchant les mammifères, y compris les humains. Elle est causée par un virus qui cause l’encéphalite. Zoonose assez…
Vaccins Vaccination is a method of introducing an external agent (the vaccine) in an organism in order to create a positive immune response against infectious disease….