anticoagulant, e (adjective and noun) Who opposes blood clotting.
Meaning and uses
An anticoagulant is a chemical having the property of inhibiting the clotting of natural blood. The blood does not clot so treated or so slower, but keep the same viscosity. The main use of the anticoagulant is for health purposes.
anticoagulant – Who prevents coagulation. substance that prevents coagulation
Drugs that prevent blood clots
anticoagulant – a drug used to slow the phenomenon of blood clotting (tendency of blood to clot).
anticoagulant – Chemicals used to fight against rodents, causing internal bleeding resulting in rapid death.
anticoagulants – blood thinning treatment that helps to remove blood clots from the bloodstream, either in the veins (phlebitis when we talk about) or the arteries (thrombi).