arbitrary (adjective) That depends on the will or the personal views, mostly without justice or fairness are taken into account. Which depends on the whim of someone. [Noun] Despotism, tyranny.
Meaning and uses
Arbitrary is an adjective or a noun. Adjective, it means ‘that depends solely an individual decision.’ It can then be used to emphasize that a decision is contrary to the common interest. …
arbitrary – which is produced by the will of man, without a rule or basis of natural selection that depends on each person who is left to the decision of the judge, who has no rule that the will the whim of a master, Acts of government where the will of the people replaces …
arbitrary – adj. 1. Which depends on the will, free choice and not observing a law, rule. 2. Reporting to the whim of someone at the expense of justice or reason. 3. Which does not reflect reality. baseless. Cambridge 2006.
arbitrary – the shape of the signifier is independent of the referent: the relationship between the sign and its object was established by convention.