shrub (noun) A small tree.
Meaning and uses
In botany, the word shrub has a precise meaning. It means a woody plant smaller than 8 m and trunk marked.
Species of shrub that does very little height, woody plant whose branches are not born of buttons formed the previous year
Small shrub under 4 m, mostly branched at the base.
nm Art sculpt busts.
Woody plant having a single trunk, like trees, but not exceeding 7 meters 6in. Example: Apricot.
Plant branched at the base, without trunk appears.
(Nm). Woody plant with a height less than that of the shrub and characterized by a port usually bushy (multiple ramifications from the base) so that no main stem can not be demonstrated. …
woody plant similar to a tree but the height does not exceed 7 meters.
woody plant stem well individualized, less than 7 meters tall. Opposable shaft.
Plante trunk underdeveloped.The shrub can be flowers, or berries. It can support large loads too. Some flowers only grow on shrubs such as Lantana.
Shrubs – Refers to vegetation types where the dominant woody elements are shrubs, ie woody perennial plants whose mature height is generally between 0.5 and 5 m and had no crown set. …