Définition de opposite
adj. Opposé (Vx). ? N. m. Contraire. Son caractère est l’opposite du mien. = À LOPPOSITE DE, loc. prép. Vis-à-vis de. = À LOPPOSITE, loc. adv. vis-à-vis.
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Citations de opposite
Articles contenant opposite
anode (noun) positive electrode opposite to the cathode. Meaning and uses The anode of a passive element inserted in a DC circuit is between the electrode where the electric…
anode (noun) positive electrode opposite to the cathode. Meaning and uses Anode – The anode of a passive element inserted in a DC circuit is between the electrode where…
antagonist (common name) Opposed rival. [Adjective] Who works in an opposite direction. Meaning and uses Anatomy and myology, an antagonist is a muscle or muscle group…
antagonist (common name) Opposed rival. [Adjective] Who works in an opposite direction. Meaning and uses Antagonist – In anatomy and myology, an antagonist is a muscle…
anticline, ale, the (noun and adjective) Said of a geological fold whose curvature is facing upward (opposite syncline). Meaning and uses In geology, called anticline (opposite:…
anticline, ale, the (noun and adjective) Said of a geological fold whose curvature is facing upward (opposite syncline). Meaning and uses Anticline – In geology, called…
anticline, ale, the (noun and adjective) Said of a geological fold whose curvature is facing upward (opposite syncline). Meaning and uses Anticline – In geology, called…
anticline, ale, the (noun and adjective) Said of a geological fold whose curvature is facing upward (opposite syncline). Meaning and uses Anticline – In geology, called…
antiparticle (noun) particle symmetric and opposite an elementary particle, annihilating with the latter producing photons. In 1930, the British physicist Paul Dirac said,…
antiparticle (noun) particle symmetric and opposite an elementary particle, annihilating with the latter producing photons. In 1930, the British physicist Paul Dirac said,…