Définition de boa
n. m. (lat. boa, m. s.). 1 Genre de serpents non venimeux de très grande taille, propres surtout à l’Amérique. Ils attaquent les petits quadrupèdes et leur brisent les os en les enveloppant de leurs replis. 2 Sorte d écharpe en fourrure ou en plumes, que les femmes portaient autour du cou.Boa. V Bwa OU Boa.
[tab:Synonymes Antonymes]
Synonymes de boa
colubriforme, constricteur, devin, écharpe, eunecte
Antonymes de boa
pas d’antonymes[tab:Citations]
Citations de boa
Articles contenant boa
L’artérite inflammatoire est une inflammation des parois des artères, généralement elle est due à une infection ou une réaction auto-immune
L’artérite inflammatoire est une inflammation…
anaconda (substantif) Très grand serpent d’Amérique du Sud. Sens et usages anacondas (Eunectes sp.) Serpents aquatiques ne sont pas venimeux de la famille boa constrictor….
ring, water (noun) Circle which is attached something. Ring. Meaning and uses In abstract algebra, a ring is an algebraic structure on which two operations satisfy certain…
ring, water (noun) Circle which is attached something. Ring. Meaning and uses In men’s artistic gymnastics rings are rigging requiring more strength. The sequence consists…
Appendix (noun) Extending a main part. That is, what we add one thing. Extension of the cecum. The appendix is a small diverticulum at the tip of the cecum. Because of its…
Appendix (noun) Extending a main part. That is, what we add one thing. Extension of the cecum. The appendix is a small diverticulum at the tip of the cecum. Because of its…
surfboard (noun) board on which stands a person connected by a rope to a motorboat. The sport itself. Boat equipped with foils enabling it to plane from a certain speed….
surfboard (noun) board on which stands a person connected by a rope to a motorboat. The sport itself. Boat equipped with foils enabling it to plane from a certain speed….
watercolor (noun) A method of painting comprising pigments dissolve in water, discovered in China in the third century. This art, as we know it today was born in England…
watercolor (noun) A method of painting comprising pigments dissolve in water, discovered in China in the third century. This art, as we know it today was born in England…