Définition de Lowe
(sirHudson) (Galway 1769- Chelsea 1844), général anglais ; assuma sans grandeur la garde de Napoléon Ier à Ste-Hélène.
[tab:Synonymes Antonymes]
Synonymes de Lowe
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Antonymes de Lowe
pas d’antonymes.[tab:Citations]
Citations de Lowe
Articles contenant Lowe
api (noun) A kind of small apple red and white. Spelling difficulties: apples API. API (acronym) [computer] Application Programming Interface. Programming interface used…
architrave (noun) The main part of the entablature between the frieze and capital. Meaning and uses Architrave – The architrave epistyle also known by the ancients, is…
cape (substantif) Long vêtement sans manches. Roman de cape et d’épée: le récit raconte les aventures d’un temps où les gens portaient des capes et d’épées. [Mars]…
cep (nom) de champignons comestibles du genre Boletus. Homonymes – paronymes: la vigne (la vigne). Septembre ou de la vigne (partie charrue). scinque (lézard). Sens et…
close (verb transitive and intransitive) Close. Operate a closing device. Boucher an opening. Prevent the passage access. Be closed: the door does not close, the office is…
close (verb transitive and intransitive) Close. Operate a closing device. Boucher an opening. Prevent the passage access. Be closed: the door does not close, the office is…
close (verb transitive and intransitive) Close. Operate a closing device. Boucher an opening. Prevent the passage access. Be closed: the door does not close, the office is…
farm (noun) convention by which an owner gives up someone for a time and at a price, the enjoyment of land and buildings necessary for the operation. Agreement whereby the…
net (noun) large mesh fabric for fishing, hunting, etc.. Mesh network. Shopping bag. Ornament long and slender. Fillet of a screw: helical groove around the screw. Piece…
Pierre François Lacenaire, né en Décembre 20, 1803 à Lyon (Rhône) 9 Janvier 1836 guillotiné à Paris, est un escroc et pénal français, qui a fait les manchettes….