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apical ale, the (adjective) Pertaining to the top of a thing, at the tip. [Phonetic] Its made with the tip…


apical (noun) Refers to a consonant produced with the tip of the tongue makes contact with the palate, the alveoli…


aphasic (adjective) Who suffers from aphasia. Meaning and uses Aphasia, sometimes called silence in popular parlance, is a disease of…


aphorism (noun) Maxime, short sentence. Meaning and uses Aphorism – The aphorism, the Greek aphorismos αφοριζειν (‘define, delimit’) is a…


Définition de aphrodisiaque adj. et n. m. Qui stimule le désir sexuel. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de aphrodisiaque érotique, excitant, philtre…


aphrodisiac (adjective and noun) Refers to substances that arouse sexual desire. Meaning and uses An aphrodisiac (antonym: aphrodisiac) is a…


Définition de aphasie n. f. (gr. phasis, parole). Perte de la parole. Défaut d’adaptation du mot à l’idée. L’aphasie est…


aphasia (noun) Loss of ability to speak or understand language. Meaning and uses Aphasia – aphasia, mutism sometimes called in…


Définition de aphasique adj. et n. Affecté d’aphasie. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de aphasique Pas des Synonymes. Antonymes de aphasique pas…


apathetic (adjective) indifferent, indolent, insensible. Meaning and uses Said of someone suffering from apathy. More generally means someone tired, weak…

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