anode (noun) positive electrode opposite to the cathode. Meaning and uses Anode – The anode of a passive element inserted…
anode (noun) positive electrode opposite to the cathode. Meaning and uses Anode – The anode of a passive element inserted…
anodize (transitive verb) To undergo anodizing to improve the surface properties of a metal. Meaning and uses Conduct anodizing Anodizing…
Définition de anomalie n. f. Particularité non conforme à la loi naturelle ou à la lo- ®K|ue. Anomalie du crâne.…
Définition de annulation n. f. Action d’an¬nuler. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de annulation abolition, abrogation, absolution, anéantissement, biffage, caducité, cassation, cessation,…
Définition de annuler v. tr. 1er gr. Rendre sans [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de annuler abolir, abroger, anéantir, annihiler, barrer, biffer,…
Définition de anode n. f. (gr. ana, en haut, et odos. chemin). Électrode positive vers la¬quelle se dirigent les anions,…
year, it (adjective) Who comes up every year. Lasting one year. Meaning and uses Annuals are plants that live less…
year, it (adjective) Who comes up every year. Lasting one year. Meaning and uses Annual – Annual plants are plants…
year, it (adjective) Who comes up every year. Lasting one year. Meaning and uses Annual – Who lasts one year,…
directory (noun) Reports published annually. Electronic directory: videotex service to consult the file of the telephone directory or a directory…