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bow (noun) Baguette topped with horsehair stretched which is used to vibrate the strings of some musical instruments. Arc-shaped tool.…


archipelago (noun) A set of islands. Spelling difficulties: the Arctic archipelago. Meaning and uses An archipelago is a group of…


Définition de Arche (communauté de V). Communauté gandhienne fondée en 1948 par Lanza del Vasto, établie depuis 1963 à La…


archer (noun) Soldier armed with a bow. Homonyms – paronyms: archaea (length of a jet arrow). bow (of violin). Meaning…


archer (noun) Soldier armed with a bow. Homonyms – paronyms: archaea (length of a jet arrow). bow (of violin). Meaning…


arch, water (noun) Curvature of a vault. Object that has this form. Meaning and uses Arch is a French commune,…


Définition de arceau n. m. Courbure d’une voûte. Objet arqué. Les arceaux du jeu de croquet. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de…


Définition de arcade n. f. 1 Ouverture dont la partie supérieure est un arc. Les arcades w Palais-Royal. 2 Anat.…


Arcade (noun) opening arcuate. Body whose shape resembles a bow. Arcade games [computer] computer games specifically designed to operate in…

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