Arcanum (noun) Operation mysterious alchemy. Mystery. Homonyms – paronyms: Arcanna (red chalk). Meaning and uses The Kybalion: A Study of…
Arcanum (noun) Operation mysterious alchemy. Mystery. Homonyms – paronyms: Arcanna (red chalk). Meaning and uses The Kybalion: A Study of…
Définition de arc-en-ciel n. m. Phénomène atmosphérique en forme d’arc aux cou¬leurs du prisme, dû à la dispersion de la…
shrub (noun) A small tree. Meaning and uses Shrub – In botany, the word shrub has a precise meaning. It…
Définition de arc n. m. 1 Arme formée par une tige flexible et une corde fixée aux deux extrémités, servant…
buttress, buttresses pl.arcs (noun) Pillar half-arch for supporting a wall. Meaning and uses The buttress buttressed or is a typical…
Définition de arbrisseau n. m. Petit irtü de moins de 6 m, ramifié dès la base il Arbrissel (Robert d’).…
shrub, water (noun) A small tree branched at the base. Meaning and uses Shrub – In botany, the word shrub…
shrub (noun) A small tree. Meaning and uses In botany, the word shrub has a precise meaning. It means a…
tree (noun) Great woody plant having a trunk and branches. Axis of a machine, transmitting movement. Hierarchical scheme, with ramifications.…