apposition (noun) The act of affixing. [Grammar] Refers to a term placed next to another and designating the same as…
apposition (noun) The act of affixing. [Grammar] Refers to a term placed next to another and designating the same as…
learning, e (noun) person who teaches you something. Meaning and uses (Teaching) (Jargon) a person who is learning, student (See…
Définition de appointements (apwët’mô], n. m. pl. Rétribution fixe des employés des entreprises civiles, par oppos. aux traitements, honoraires, gages,…
Définition de apport n. m. 1 Action d’appor-ter. 2 Dr. Au plur. Biens apportés par un époux dans la communauté…
bring (transitive verb) To bring to the location of a person. Bring, produce, deliver. Homonyms – paronyms: out (bring along…
Définition de application (aplika’sjSJ, n. f. 1 Action d’appliquer. L’application d’un topique. 2 Action de mettre en pratique. L’application de…
apply (transitive verb and pronoun) Put something on another. Giving award. Put into practice. Apply to: engage with serious focus.…
apply (transitive verb and pronoun) Put something on another. Giving award. Put into practice. Apply to: engage with serious focus.…
Définition de appendice n. m. 1 Chose ajou¬tée à une chose principale avec laquelle elle est en rapport. 2 Supplément…
Appendix (noun) Extending a main part. That is, what we add one thing. Extension of the cecum. The appendix is…