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device (noun) machine, assembling parts, instruments, organ. Primers solemn, ceremony, pageantry. How to cut and arrange the stones of a…


equipment (noun) Preparations for departure of a ship. All devices. Meaning and uses Apparatus – In maritime language, the apparatus…


Définition de appareillage n. m. Ensemble des dispositifs nécessaires à l’installation d’un appareil. Appareillage élec. Martrique. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de…


device (noun) machine, assembling parts, instruments, organ. Primers solemn, ceremony, pageantry. How to cut and arrange the stones of a…


aposte (transitive verb) Put someone in a place to observe. Meaning and uses Feit afirmação alguem por algo sobre futuro…


Définition de apostiller v. tr. Ier gr. Mel. une apostille. re [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de apostiller annoter, émarger, noter, viser…


apostate, e (noun and adjective) That has publicly abandoned his religion. Who has renounced the vows. Meaning and uses deserter:…


aposte (transitive verb) Put someone in a place to observe. Meaning and uses Apostolic – afirmação Feit alguem por algo…


Définition de aporie n. f. (gr. aporia, impossibi¬lité de trouver quelque chose). Log. et Philos. Question logiquement insoluble, ou paraissant…


aporia (noun) Refers to a question logically insoluble. Meaning and uses Called aporia (in Greek aporia, no way, trouble, trouble)…

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