device (noun) machine, assembling parts, instruments, organ. Primers solemn, ceremony, pageantry. How to cut and arrange the stones of a…
device (noun) machine, assembling parts, instruments, organ. Primers solemn, ceremony, pageantry. How to cut and arrange the stones of a…
equipment (noun) Preparations for departure of a ship. All devices. Meaning and uses Apparatus – In maritime language, the apparatus…
Définition de appareillage n. m. Ensemble des dispositifs nécessaires à l’installation d’un appareil. Appareillage élec. Martrique. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de…
device (noun) machine, assembling parts, instruments, organ. Primers solemn, ceremony, pageantry. How to cut and arrange the stones of a…
aposte (transitive verb) Put someone in a place to observe. Meaning and uses Feit afirmação alguem por algo sobre futuro…
Définition de apostiller v. tr. Ier gr. Mel. une apostille. re [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de apostiller annoter, émarger, noter, viser…
apostate, e (noun and adjective) That has publicly abandoned his religion. Who has renounced the vows. Meaning and uses deserter:…
aposte (transitive verb) Put someone in a place to observe. Meaning and uses Apostolic – afirmação Feit alguem por algo…
Définition de aporie n. f. (gr. aporia, impossibi¬lité de trouver quelque chose). Log. et Philos. Question logiquement insoluble, ou paraissant…
aporia (noun) Refers to a question logically insoluble. Meaning and uses Called aporia (in Greek aporia, no way, trouble, trouble)…