aposte (transitive verb) Put someone in a place to observe. Meaning and uses Feit afirmação alguem por algo sobre futuro…
aposte (transitive verb) Put someone in a place to observe. Meaning and uses Feit afirmação alguem por algo sobre futuro…
Définition de Apollon (galerie d’). salle du Louvre (plafond peint par Delacroix). [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de Apollon Pas des Synonymes.…
apollon (noun) Very handsome young man. Meaning and uses Apollo (Ancient Greek /, Latin Apollo) is the Greek god of…
Définition de apologie n. f. (gr. apologia, dé¬fense). Discours ou écrit destiné à justifier quelqu’un ou quelque chose. Faire l’apo¬logie…
apocope (noun) Discarding a letter from one or more syllables at the end of a word. apocopated, e (adjective) Said…
apocryphal (adjective) whose authenticity is not established. Said of texts that the Church does not accept the biblical canon. Meaning…
partisan (adjective and noun) Who does not meddle in politics. Meaning and uses Apolitical – The apolitical nature is the…
Définition de apocope (apo’kop), n. f. Gram. Suppres-sion d’une lettre à la fin d’un mot, partie, en poésie, ex. :…
plumb (noun) Verticality. Equilibrium. [Familiar] Audacity. Plumb: balance. Meaning and uses plumb – line perpendicular to the plane of the…
Définition de Apocalypse n. f. (gr. apc- rjfvnsis révélation). Dernier livre du Nouveau Testament, révélation concer-nant la fin du monde,…