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Définition de apocalyptique . adj. 1 Qui concerne l’Apocalypse. 2 D’un symbo-lisme obscur. Un style apocalyptique. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de…


aplasia (noun) Atrophy of a tissue or organ. Meaning and uses Aplasia – aplasia is halting the development of a…


Définition de aplat n. m. Bx-Arts. Teinte plate*| unie et soutenue sur toute sa surface, [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de aplat…


to flat or flat-flat pl.à (noun) finish on a solid surface. Meaning and uses A solid color (or flat) in…


plumb (noun) Verticality. Equilibrium. [Familiar] Audacity. Plumb: balance. Meaning and uses Line perpendicular to the plane of the horizon indicated…


apical ale, the (adjective) Pertaining to the top of a thing, at the tip. [Phonetic] Its made with the tip…


apical ale, the (adjective) Pertaining to the top of a thing, at the tip. [Phonetic] Its made with the tip…


Définition de Apis taureau sacréque l’on adorait à Memphis dans l’anc.j Egypte, comme l’incarnation du dieu! Ptah, et devenant Osiris…


aplasia (noun) Atrophy of a tissue or organ. Meaning and uses The aplasia is halting the development of a tissue…


Définition de api n. m. Petite pomme ayant un de ses côtés rouge vif. Une pomme d’api. A.P.I., abrév. d’Association…

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