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antiseptic (noun and adjective) Said that destroys microbes and prevents infection. Homonyms – paronyms: aseptic (free of germs). Meaning and…


Définition de antipode n. m. (gr. pous, pied). 1Lieu de la Terre, considéré par rapport à celui qui lui est…


antipode (noun) Location of the planet diametrically opposed to another. This is absolutely contrary to the opposite of. Meaning and…


antique (adjective) Very old. [Noun] Artwork of antiquity. Meaning and uses Antiquity is the first epochs of history. For a…


Définition de antiparticule n. f. Phys. nucl. Nom désign. une série de particules (antiksi. antiproton, antisigma, etc.) opposées aux particules…


antiparticle (noun) particle symmetric and opposite an elementary particle, annihilating with the latter producing photons. In 1930, the British physicist…


antiphonal (noun) book containing all the church hymns of the Office. Meaning and uses Antiphonal – The antiphonal (of Antiphon,…


Définition de antimitotique adj. Biol. et Méd. Qui s’oppose à la mitose, [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de antimitotique Pas des Synonymes.…


antimitotic (adjective and noun) A substance that opposes the process of mitosis (cell division alive to its multiplication). Meaning and…


antiparliamentarianism (noun) Doctrine contesting the parliamentary system. Meaning and uses Opposition in the parliamentary system and politicians who make up…

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