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anticipation (noun) action to develop or something before the time when it must be done. Meaning and uses In a…


anti-inflammatory pl.anti-inflammatory (adjective and noun) [medicine] product to fight against inflammation. Meaning and uses An anti-inflammatory medication to combat inflammation.…


anthropomorphic (adjective) Relating to anthropomorphism. Meaning and uses Anthropomorphism is the attribution of behavioral or morphological characteristics of other human…


Définition de anthropomorphisme n. m. 1 Attitude consistant à con- cevoiNa divinité à l’image de l’homme. 2 Doctrine philosophique attribuant…


anthropological (adjective) Pertaining to anthropology. Meaning and uses Anthropology – Anthropology is the branch of science which studies human beings…


anthropologist (noun) a specialist in anthropology, the science of man. Meaning and uses Anthropology is the branch of science which…


anthropologist (noun) a specialist in anthropology, the science of man. Meaning and uses Anthropology is the branch of science which…


Définition de anthropologie n. 1 i Études des caractères somatiques des groupes humains fossiles et actuels. 2 Etude générale de…


Définition de anthropologique adj. Qui concerne l’anthropologie. [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de anthropologique Pas des Synonymes. Antonymes de anthropologique pas d’antonymes.[tab:Citations]…


ante (noun) square pilaster. Homonyms – paronyms: ente (graft). Meaning and uses antes are a Slavic people who, according to…

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