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shed (noun) A small single slope roof leaning against a wall. Building sheltered by the roof. Meaning and uses A…


apartment (noun) Accommodation on several pieces. Apartment therapy: in the context of alternatives to hospitalization, hosting structure designed for a…


Définition de appel n. m. 1 Action d’appeler par la voix ou par un signe. Faire l’appel, lire à haute…


Définition de appelant n. m. Chasse Oiseau en cage ou empaillé, ou imitation d’un oiseau, servant à attirer ses congénères.…


Définition de apparier v. tr. 1er gr. 1 Assortir par paires. 2 Accoupler des animaux pour la reproduction. = S’APPARIER,…


Définition de appartement n. m. (ital. ap- partamento, de appartare, séparer). Ensemble de pièces qui composent l’habita¬tion d’une personne ou…


appearance (noun) What appears outside. What is seen at first. In appearance from what we see. Meaning and uses Appearance…


appearance (noun) What appears outside. What is seen at first. In appearance from what we see. Meaning and uses Beneath…


Définition de appariement ou apparîment n. m. Action d’apparier, [tab:Synonymes Antonymes] Synonymes de appariement accord, accouplement, alliance, appareillement, appropriation, assortiment,…


matching (noun) The act of matching, coupling. [Data] Matching shapes: matching forms depending on a predefined set of rules or…

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